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Camera calibration With OpenCV http://docs.opencv.org/doc/tutorials/calib3d/camera_calibration/camera_calibration.htmlCamera calibration With OpenCVCameras have been around for a long-long time. However, with the introduction of the cheap pinhole cameras in the late 20th century, they became a common occurrence in our everyday life. Unfortunately, this cheapness comes with its price: significant distortion. Luckily, these are.. 더보기
Cholesky decomposition을 이용한 카메라 행렬 분해 http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=chulhoon81&logNo=50070452627 [출처] camera calibration|작성자 chulhoon81 카메라보정(camera calibration) 또는 Self-calibration에서 카메라의 내부(intrinsic)/외부(extrinsic) 파라미터를 계산하는 것이 중요한데 그중에서 cholesky decomposition을 이용하는 방법에 대해 쓰고자 한다. Cholesky decompostion을 이용하여 카메라 행렬을 분해하는 방법은 아래 박사학위 논문에 언급되어있다. T.Melen, "Geometrical modelling and calibration of video cameras for under.. 더보기
From Homography to OpenGL Modelview Matrix http://urbanar.blogspot.kr/2011/04/from-homography-to-opengl-modelview.html This is the challenge of the week-- how do I get from a 3x3 homography matrix (which relates the plane of the source image to the plane found in the scene image) to an OpenGL modelview transformation matrix so I can start, you know, augmenting reality? The tricky thing is that while I can use the homography to project a .. 더보기